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Search results

  1. G

    Color of Finnish armor 1940

    Thanks for the quick replies .. that's a great site Kreighshoer and thanks for the FS and Vallejo paint colors bagge , a great help. I am finishing up a T-38 in the winter war of 1940 .. will post pics once she's done :)
  2. G

    Color of Finnish armor 1940

    Anyone know the color of Finnish armor circa 1940? :bangs head Thanks for any information :)
  3. G

    Hello again

    After a job change, move to a new town, working hard to succeed, .. I have a bit of time to myself again and opened a box and found some of my modelling stuff :woohoo: So I cleared away a corner and set up a desk as a modelling center .. now if I only can remember how to build something...
  4. G

    Panzershop Dana 152mm ShKH vz.77

    Onward: Some axle parts: Rear axle done A bit of Mr Surfacer to fill small gaps Front and rear axles done (sorry for the blurred pic) Tires come in halves And go together perfectly Well, I've learned how runny thin CA glue can be :lol:
  5. G

    Hobby Fan 1/35 M911 & trailer & D9

    That Dozer is real neat, looking forward to seeing it come together :mpup
  6. G

    Panzershop Dana 152mm ShKH vz.77

    That's a great idea Jim, will have to pick up a few of those, thanks :) Onward: If you can see, there is a slight seam line on the frame which cleaned up nice with a bit of scraping with xacto blade and sanding stick This is how the smaller parts come, very thin film to clean up...
  7. G

    Hobby Fan 1/35 M911 & trailer & D9

    And I thought my kit had alot of resin .. good luck on your build. It will be impressive. :)
  8. G

    Panzershop Dana 152mm ShKH vz.77

    Thanks Jim :) ... I was expecting to do alot of filing and sanding of the parts to get them to fit, but am surprised how little work the parts need, using a exacto knife to scrape away the very slight seam line in the parts so far .. no warpage on the frame parts. Identifying...
  9. G

    Dave Harper passed away on Friday, Oct. 1st.

    Re:Sad news about D-Man, Dave Harper Sad news indeed. Thoughts and prayers for his family and friends in such a trying time. :(
  10. G

    Panzershop Dana 152mm ShKH vz.77

    Let the fun begin :woohoo: [/img] [/img] Lots of resin here, I better go buy more CA glue.
  11. G

    Re:Welcome to the More than four wheelers Group build

    Re:Welcome to the More than four wheelers Group build Hi :) If possible. I would like to join group build with a Dana 152mm ShKH vz.77 . As this will be my first resin kit, it might take me a bit longer to build. I would like to also enter a SdKfz 231 6-Rad and a SdKfz 232 8-rad. will see...
  12. G

    Hi Everyone and Seasons Greetings

    Hello :) Hope everyone is well and having a great month. Thanks to Jenny for allowing me on this wonderful site and thanks to the webmasters and contributors for making it so. I am returning to the hobby after a short intermission for life and love (doesn't everyone?). Finding that...