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"Pro Racing" Campaign

No, no point in doing both. Pro racing is broader, so will attract more participation. B)
I've got an Audi that I want to do for this campaign, but I don't think I'll have the time. :( going to be a good one!
Now let me get this straight ..... We're having a pro racing campaign & a NASCAR campaign ??? ......... :eek:ldguy

If Nascar gets the votes.

Pro Racing is more inclusive of other genera of racing.

I'm thinking a Gee Bee, anyone know a GOOD kit?

I was thinking the Gee Bee too...started one years (decades?) ago. I want to try another one.

The Williams Bros. kit is all I know of....

Just thought I'd share this quick snap of my computer 'desktop' at the moment.... Please don't infer from this pic, that I've chosen my build for this campaign... :coolio


I'm just wishing my Computer desktop looked like that ...Looks like you have a Inferred Camera there ....... as far as I Gee Bee goes Lindberg also has one in 1/32 like Williams brothers may be same kit .... just half the cost.... :eek:ldguy
Think I know what I'm going to do.

I'm looking at these ......... :skipper




I like the Last one ............. 0r the Corsair ( Mucho $$$) ...... :eek:ldguy
Been a huge Jeff Gordon fan since early in 1995.

I haven't counted in awhile, but I know I have somewhere in the neighborhood of decals for 70 different Jeff Gordon cars from his Busch series cars in the early 90's up to about 2012. But those aren't the only decals I've got, I've got probably 10 or 12 Dale Jr, and sheets for several other drivers.
Interesting you guys are talking 'bout Jeff Gordons' cars. I was trying to decide what to build for 1995 & 2003 for my twenty years of NASCAR thing that I mentioned elsewhere.

In the end I decided on the #24 car from both years, the first Rainbow Warrior Monte Carlo and the Winston All Star 'Wright Brothers 100th Anniversary' special. Haven't got either kit yet, but they'll happen in due course. For this campaign I'm still leaning toward the 1997 Labonte/Kelloggs Chevy...
...but in the end it's just what catches my eye 'on the day' !! :idonno

The 1st ??? ..... I hope we have time to build one of these ..... looks like the NASCAR thing won't make it .... but the pro racing will ...... :eek:ldguy