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A Catalina for my Dad

It is, it's one that you Yank's absconded with from a British order :smack so it's painted in American equivalents and should match the scheme Ians looking for.

Just who do you think you callin' Yank...


:yipee :tomato

Sorry Ian, had to do it... :popcorn
Oh I could have so much fun with that one but I'm surrounded at the moment so I best be mindin me manners EH :D
I can see the Battle lines forming now ..... nice sentiment Ian ..... Good luck with the Project .... I was going to build a B-17 for 'ol Harold Payne ... a Pilot of The "Cabin in the Sky" ... He's also gone now maybe one day when I get more organized I'll do that, I'll be watching this with interest .... Cheers!! :drinks
Unbelievably the decals arrived this morning a full month after being posted from the UK, normally they would be here in around 5 working days. No idea what occurred but just so glad I have them now.

When I get back to the bench, this will be the first project I do.

Thanks all for the really positive comments about this one, just hope I can do it in a way that would have made 'the old man' proud.


...and so Dad's Catalina begins:



As you can see the 'build' started on the 15th and over the last two weeks or so, I've been picking-away at it doing thirty minutes here an hour there... piecemeal modelling :S

Build was relatively easy. The almost total lack of internal detail certainly helped !!




...takes-up a lot of bench, even in 1:72 :frantic

How much do I love Eduard masks !!



More in a minute, hang-on...

Once it was all together, the only filler needed was on the leading-edge of the centre section of the wings and between the blisters... What this kit skimps on detail is (in my opinion), more than made-up by the outstanding overall fit.

On to the undercoat. For no particular reason I chose Tamiya 'Buff', this coat is just to 'unify' the tones of the plastic, somewhere to hang-the-paint & pre-shading upon.



More later this evening (my time) off to town in a minute for the Christmas Parade - in bright Spring sunshine and 17deg... Yep it really is THAT different down here !!

...and back at the PC :Hiay . Next it was pre-shading time: I decided to try to really fade/bleach the topside colours that were exposed to the elements the most. Hence I shaded the centre of all the upper panels with white, then low-lighted the panels in very dark grey.

For the sides of the hull I pre-streaked (copyright pending) with Tamiya 'Field Grey' hopefully the effect will provide a foundation for the oil dot session later on.







Which brings me to today. I got 90mins or so this morning whilst Daddies Little Stormtroopers und Frau were out buying 'stuff', so I sprayed the first 'Sky' coat using Humbrol H90 enamel:





...and so that's it. If I get an hour or so tomorrow I'll shoot another thin coat of 'Sky' just to calm the pre-shading down a little and get a little bit more depth in to the tone. Thanks for being patient with me and as ever, all comments, criticism and questions are welcome.


Lookin' great Ian!! These are big planes. I remember MP commented on my cat build that it's hard to believe those two engines got this thing in the air sometimes!

That's really interesting Ian, can't wait to see what she looks like in blue. :popcorn

Blue ??

Not blue, Bob, this is a British Catalina, so camo is Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Slate Grey disruptive pattern over 'Sky'... Standard early war Coastal Command scheme.

Sweet as Ian, loving this :notworthy

17C eh ? spring time brother, come to Sydney for a visit, we're looking at around 35C - beach weather in December :D

Sweet as Ian, loving this :notworthy

17C eh ? spring time brother, come to Sydney for a visit, we're looking at around 35C - beach weather in December :D


Rub it in won't ya.... :dude

Sorry Ian, thought this was blue and some camo colors. Really like where you're heading here. :drinks
Sweet as Ian, loving this :notworthy

17C eh ? spring time brother, come to Sydney for a visit, we're looking at around 35C - beach weather in December :D


Rub it in won't ya.... :dude

Sorry Ian, thought this was blue and some camo colors. Really like where you're heading here. :drinks
I guess they really would not like to hear about how nice its here at the moment - Did somebody mention beach weather :D

Like where youre going with this Ian :coolio