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leFH18/40/2 (st) G.W. Pz.Kpfw. III/IV WIP

Take thees thread to Havana!


I haven't tried mine yet, plan to very soon! I also have the Chopper, great for bigger stuff, hoping this will work!

Sorry, as you were!

Wake up out there :Hiay

For those of you that are thinking of maybe building one of these kits Dragon has struck again with their poor instructions.
For a couple of days i've been scratching my head trying to figure out how to put together the brackets in step 13 that are installed on those ducts below the ammo storage for each side.
The instructions call for PE parts MA-11 on the right and MA-12 on the left.

I took a break to clear the brain and put the Friul tracks together and sat back down at the bench this morning with a clear head and it dawned on me that MA-12 had already been called for in step 6 for the vision port struts and MA-11 are to be used for the strut arm mounting studs that are NOT called for but are shown in the drawing.
That means the brackets called for are not in the kit at all and you need to make four of them. They would look like those jack block corners you get in some AM PE sets, just a three side box and easy to make.

Just thought you might want to know
Tony lee
Thanks Tony. Makes me think that what we need here is a new section called tweaks with all the gotchas etc for various kits.
If anyone's interested in one of these kits, it looks like Sprue Bros got a boat load of these in...at a good price too!!


Pardon the interruption, back to The Tony Lee Show.

Yep Tom that's 5 bucks less than I paid for mine from them.

James throw that idea in the river and see if it'll float.

Getting back to the show= A little bit of scrap PE and the missing brackets appear.

Two on each side and what they held is only known to the person that stole them years ago. :hmmm

See Ya :D
Tony lee
Phew...didn't want to depress ya, when I checked a little while back I think it was around $65...hence my "ouch" comment.

It's Hump Day for you working types out there in cyberland. :eek:hyeah

Now that i've filled the seams I can tell you about another left out part in the instructions.
After removing all the needed items from a sprue tree I snip off what remains and place them in a container on the bench and throw the empty tree away.
In this case it was after the gun was constructed I noticed that where the trails arms attached to the gun carriage by bolts or pins there was nothing but the butt end of a stud so I got to studying the assembly step 24 to see if I missed something and sure enough the instructions didn't tab the parts needed.

You'll find what you need as L-7 & L-8

Here's the real thing:

This is the kit:

The road of life is filled with mud holes :laugh:
Tony lee
Yeah James but I need to write these thing down as I go because I do have a tendency to forget.
While dealing with step 24 above I meant to tell folks about another non-called for part that's not even drawn on the instructions, one is drawn but not where it should be anyway.

When I find left over parts that aren't blued out for non use I get suspicious and sic my bird dog instinct on it.
I had two little hand wheels left on the sprue, L23 and L24. By looking at my reference photos I found them peaking out behind what is part L16 & L18 on the kit and they looked like they attach to the out side end of parts L1 & L2.
There are little studs on their end where these small hand wheels are glued.

The search was then called off :lol:
Tony lee
Me Again,I had another brain fart about a part that suddenly appears and isn't referenced in the instructions.

It's part E-33, a small channel bar that goes on after the engine housing is attached to the lower hull.

Must write this stuff down :unsure:
Tony lee
Good catch Tony.
I remember when building a model didn't include these brain-teaser "easter eggs". :laugh:
Thanks for shining a flashlight on all this.

Roll on,

You're Welcome Bill

I was able to shoot a good bit of Dark Yellow today:


I was thinking of doing this companion piece next:

It's the weekend folks (y)
Tony lee
Ooohhhh I have one of those. Wanted to build one since I was knee hi to a grasshopper when we got a I think Bandai kit in the hobby shop many moons ago. Now I have the Dragon one and not sure what has kept me from it. Do it Tony and give me that inspiration thing :D
Well James bless your heart it's not like you've been a couch tater all this time. :D
You'll think of a dozen others to do by this time tomorrow. :laugh:

Tony lee
Here's another instruction error I just remembered:

The crank that's called for has a shaft that's too short to reach the spline vertical rod.

Tony lee