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How about the Vietnam-era?

Okay let me think here :blink With nine months I believe I could finish one with winter being in there so what should I do?

M48 or a M113 or M48 or a M4 or M48 or a M109 or M48 or a M107 or M48 or a Huey or M48 or a PBR or M48 or a F4 or M48 or a A4 or M48 or a M3 or M48 or a M8 (Greyhound) or M48 or a M24 or M48 or a F8F or M48 or a M35 or M48 or a M88 or M48 or a M67 or or or or .....

I've way too many kits for this one :blush:

Well you know there has been one M48A3 I have wanted to do for a long time.

You got me I jump and do a M48A3!
Adam wrote:
I'm in if that is OK with everyone. I don't know what I'll be doing yet, but I am in for sure.

Sandy is always a good choice. Course we haven't had any whurliewingthingies (that would be a helicopter) here at TnT. You can be breaking ground Adam.
mlp wrote:
Noce Idea - would you allow a flying thingy builder to join with something flying?

If it flew over Vietnam, North, or South, it is a yes.

Sherman 18 wrote:
M48 or a M113 or M48 or a M4 or M48 or a M109 or M48 or a M107 or M48 or a Huey or M48 or a PBR or M48 or a F4 or M48 or a A4 or M48 or a M3 or M48 or a M8 (Greyhound) or M48 or a M24 or M48 or a F8F or M48 or a M35 or M48 or a M88 or M48 or a M67

Yes, one of each :silly:

MoonPuppy wrote:
Sandy is always a good choice. Course we haven't had any whurliewingthingies (that would be a helicopter) here at TnT. You can be breaking ground Adam.

That's nothin. I been breakin wind around here for a loooooong time :pinch:

Gary B)
My original thought was a Huey or Cobra. Then I thought maybe an AC-47, but a Hun would be cool too. I haven't built on of those yet and I do love that SEA camo.
Now ya talkin'!

Just the other day I was reading about the Spooky CMH mission where the guy chunked out the hot flare that was about to ignite after being hit by a mortar round.
If one was electrically inclined, which I am not, one could do a really cool diorama with the Gatlin guns and some fiber optic thread.
G Cooper wrote:
mlp wrote:
Noce Idea - would you allow a flying thingy builder to join with something flying?

If it flew over Vietnam, North, or South, it is a yes.

Gary B)

OK then - count me in with something flying over Vietnam most probably a Mikojan B)

but havent decided whz´ther a 15, 17, 19 or 21 ... :S
I'm in for sure but don't know if I'm going to do something muddy, an aircraft or a helo or something else....ship? :gogo :gogo

ohhh I am sooooooooooo in on this build... both parents were Nam vets... and I hold a special an dear place for all Nam vets in My heart...

I'll go with the only real helo *in MHO* I ever loved to ride in.. Huey !!!!
I'm still up in the air as to if I'll build a slick or gunship, got an ole revell 32nd slick or the mrc gunship... so who knows... don't know if I'll add figures or not... lordy choices choices choices... uggahhhh.....

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Ohh speaking of Happy Jacks Go Buggy, I just saw recently... if you are ref. to the P-51 Mustang
moon puppy wrote:
Group Build is cued up. Start date is July 1, 2010. What are you going to do Tom?

Hi there.

I'm not Tom but after looking at my kits on hand I think I'd like to get in on this too. I guess I'm going to have to buy a 2010 -2011 calendar so I can keep track of what builds end when. I am *SO* happy that Shawn got me to join this forum. I feel reinvigorated to finish some of those long ago started models of mine. Some of these proposed group builds sound really interesting and I think I'll get involved in some of them too.

Do I need to pick my Vietnam War subject now or can I make my final decision later?

Vietnam Era vehicles I have on hand include the Italeri M-110 Thunderbolt 203mm SPG, the Tamiya M-48A3 Patton,the Tamiya M-577 Command Post Vehicle, The Tamiya M-113 Fire Support Vehicle and a couple of Academy ex-Tamiya M-151A1 Mutts.

Thanks and cheers from Peter
Peter you have until you start building to decide what to build. At which point you need to take a picture of a newspaper dateline and the unbuilt kit to make sure you are starting within the timeframe established. Doesn't have to be a newspaper could be a screen shot of your computer with the date and time on it, just something that would include the date.
General Zod wrote:
I am doing either an M110 8 inch sp howitzer,or an M38A1 Jeep with a 106mm recoiless rifle.

Hey there General!

Which M-110 kit do you have? Is it a1/35 scale Italeri M-110 A1 or is it the 1/35 scale Italeri M-110 A2 with the muzzle brake? I have one of each. If you need ammo for it AFV Club makes a really nice set of 155mm/203mm Ammo with some brass shells as well as the styrene shells and decals for shell markings.

Cheers from Peter
Hi there.

Because I got another 1/32 scale Revell Huey UH-1D Gunship kit I will be resurrecting an idea I had for a Vietnam Era diorama. This is an old idea of mine that was put on hold until I repaired my 1/32 scale Revell Huey UH-1D Slick. I was thinking that this would be a nice diorama for this group build since nothing for my planned diorama was ever done *EXCEPT* the Huey Slick. Could I build the new 1/32 scale Revell Huey Gunship kit for this group build but use the troop seats I salvaged from my busted Huey Slick? Or would that be a violation of the rules?

Thanks and cheers from Peter

by chance where did ya find the ole 32nd huey at ??? I'm always on the look out for them so bloody hard to find unless on ebay and then they try to bleed you dry for the bird... shame to really...

looking forward to seeing your idea whoop whoop whoop into the thread. hehehe
Rattler wrote:

by chance where did ya find the ole 32nd huey at ??? I'm always on the look out for them so bloody hard to find unless on ebay and then they try to bleed you dry for the bird... shame to really...

looking forward to seeing your idea whoop whoop whoop into the thread. hehehe

Hi there.

Yes they are a scarce bird now aren't they? I was really lucky at the hobby show Saturday (May 29) because I got the Huey Gunship kit for a whopping $5.00 becaue it is missing one half of the main rotor blade. I just happen to have the blades, from my crashed Huey Slick, that I can still use.

Cheers from Peter
Lucky... bummer bout the blade though... I've thought bout casting some parts from a scape kit I've got to the huey 32nd that is.. but still not sure bout it.. don't wanna cross any legal fields if ya know what I mean.